Now don't get me wrong I love these kids,
love love love 'em but yesterday was one of those days.....both kids were driving me insane, both had been great for 2 days. For 2 whole days I had not listened to whining, had not had to threaten anyone with anything it was like a dream come true! Then yesterday the whole image was shattered.
Started out with Ciera making 3 distinct play messes in 3 different areas of the house....seemingly all at once, she knows better, once you are done with something clean it up before you move onto the next thing. HA, that daycare lesson seems to have been lost. The dog needed to be walked so I issued an unachieveable task, "clean all of this up before I am ready to leave or you will be napping after lunch", that gave her about 2 minutes which I knew she could not do. Fair? Nope but I knew I needed some "me" time, needless to say she did not make the deadline and she must have been tired as she didn't even argue about the nap and then said she wanted to go in the stroller for the dog walking and not ride her bike.
So she slept for a bit when Tienna did and then I had to wake them for a Dr.'s appt.....they were both awful from the moment we entered the inner sanctum at the office....ok no not quite true, they were not bad until the Dr came in. I hate that they take my blood pressure there as I am sure everytime it will be sky high!! Why do kids like to make their parents look bad, I'm sure I never did that!!!
Then on our way home we had to go to Costco and Canadian Tire. No where in any child rearing book have I ever read that age 6 is the "I want" years, sure you hear all about the terrible 2's and the nasty 3's but the 6's they leave out. All thru Costco, all I hear is "I want...." until I start to loose it on her and threaten her with nothing for the rest of the summer. Tienna was tired and she just wanted to lay her head on my arm, which I love but it's tricky to push a cart like that! So we get to the cash, they ring it up and I asked "can I trade you 2 kids for that?!", the cashier laughed and said "no thanks I already raised 3".
Back into the car and off to Cdn Tire where I only needed a price adjustment for something I had bought last week, it was a $30 difference so well worth stopping in for. I put both kids in the cart and head to the returns desk, the man in front of me notices I have nothing to return and quips with a nod towards the kids "I hope you have the reciept for them".......I laughed as with the way they were behaving a return wasn't a 1/2 bad idea at that moment!
Ok so back to my $20.00, I had arranged for a babysitter to come after she left work at 6:00 with the original intent of taking Ciera to a movie, but I decided I needed to get out and run by MYSELF! So out I went, I got to my original intended turn around point and thought "nope not far enough" so I ran more. It felt soooooo good to be out running without pushing a stroller, pulling on a leash, talking non stop and stopping to pick up poop!!! By the time I got home my head was clear, and I had run over 7K, BONUS! To top it off she stayed for dinner and then after the kids went to bed I got to talk to an adult for a whole hour without interupption. It felt so good she's coming back on friday and I hope to convince her to come Sunday morning so I can attempt a long run so I can see if the 1/2 marathon is attainable for October!
Best $20.00 I ever my sanity back with one run and today the kids behaved better.....hmm wonder if they needed time away from me too?!
Just look at these angels how could they possibly misbehave!!!