Ah Mothers Day......for so many years it made me cry, I'd read the cards in the store while buying one for my mom, I'd see familes going out, hear people talk about breakfasts in bed and the like and I'd cry....I wanted to be a mom. Four years ago I spent it with a picture (that I was not supposed to have!) of my daughter to be....I ached to hold her and that year I received my first Mothers Day cards....this time I also cried but for a different reason, I WAS going to be a mom, and I met Ciera several weeks later.
The first Mothers Day home was special, Ciera didn't have a clue but my sister made it special for me (thanks Linda!!). This year was the first year Ciera "got it", she was so sweet and so excited, they made cards and presents at daycare and she actually kept it a secret and did not tell me. She was so excited for me to open it this morning, it's a beaded bracelet and to me it's beautiful!!! And yes I cried again! Ciera was so excited about Mothers Day that she made me another card at home on Friday night, then she made a bookmark for Auntie Dada and a cross for nana.
I spent my mothers day with Ciera at ball hockey, we ran a couple of errands, went for a run, overseeded the front lawn and then headed out to nana's, where I vaccummed for nana and then we went out to dinner, my mom, my sister and her kids and Ciera and myself. In the grand scheme of things not an overly special day...but truth be told every day is special. I'm a mom, the one thing I always knew I wanted to be when I grow up!! Even better yet, I'm Ciera's mom...mama, mommy, mom...I'm called them all and I love hearing it....ok well not for the millionth time some days but you get the idea.
This day also makes me reflect on Ciera's birthmother. I know Mothers Day is a North American "thing", but last night I was thinking about Mothers Day and how really incredible adoption is. There is a birthmother who gives birth and then for whatever reason realizes she cannot raise a child, she makes a plan for her child and then she makes the most unselfish, and most likely the most heartbreaking, decision she will ever make.....to relinquish her child. As always when I think about Ciera's birthmother, I hope and pray that somehow someway she knows that her daughter is healthy and happy and so very much loved. I am so very grateful to her, it took incredible strength for her to relinquish her child, and I also hope and pray that she has found peace and that she is also happy and healthy and that she knows we love her.
Were you reading my mind when you wrote this? So much of it reflexes how I feel as well. Always wanting to be a mom, missing our "first" Mother's Day by just a few weeks, being so very grateful for the gift that some woman in Kaz gave me without even knowing me or the daughter she choose to give a better life to - even if she only hoped for it at the time. Beautifully said Diane. And I'm so glad your Mother's Day was so special just because of who you spent it with, Ciera. I wonder what next year will be like for you with 2 daughters to share it with?
Take care,
Lou Ann & Lexie too
I love your post. But why am I not surprised by all the different things you got up to on Mother's Day.
Motherhood and tears do seem to go together. I must admit that I did not find myself crying this Mother's Day because of your comment on my blog, that I am a mother as my child is there waiting for me. I in fact had a phantom 'baby in my arms' feeling at mass on Sunday. What a nice feeling!
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