Saturday, October 2, 2010

A day in the life

Thanks all for your suggestions as to the source of my allergy, and many thanks Hector yes it would have made a scary mask for sure!!  Whatever it was is gone now, my face is back to normal and I feel much better.  Ciera on the other hand was attacked yet again and her bites always swell and look nasty so she has a combination of Bendryl spray on the new ones to stop the itching and Kids Polysporin on the now healing ones.  She's been pretty tried and grumpy so I know her immune system is fighting it all big time.  Hopefully tonight they leave her alone and the poor kid can heal, she is quite miffed that they have left me alone and wants to switch side of the bed with me as she thinks that will solve the problem.
Life here is quite different than in North America, not better, not worse just different.  It's a slower paced life for sure and I have to keep reminding myself to not walk so fast and to slow down, other than being at the Baby House at 10:00 and 2:00 we have nothing else that ties us to a clock.   Everyday at 4:00 when we leave the babyhouse we walk back to the apartment and have a healthy snack of fruit and yogurt and then head out for a walk of some sort.  Either to the grocery store or on a quest for some item or another (like slippers for me for the BH, as mine disappeared the first day when we left for lunch...ah well).  The grocery store by us is quite new, but in comparison to ours at home it's quite small.  Unlike at home everything seems to be sold in small portions, we bought Corn Flakes and they have only lasted us less than a week and that is with mostly Ciera eating them.  Milk is sold quite small, and I was quite pleased that I figured out my milk error, I think what I bought was (and pardon my spelling of it) keifer, I have now purchased  the "Movoko" and it's all good...phew!!!  The thing is the bag is smaller than an individual bag (from the bag of 3) at home and between CIera and I we go thru alot of milk, so I am buying them 2 at a time every 2 days!!  Everyone seems to buy for just a day or so worth at the grocery store.   What I like is that when buying fruits or veggies there is a person who works in that department and they weigh and price it so you know before you hit the checkout how much your clementine's will be, it avoids sticker shock at the register.
The best part is that people actually stop at a cross walk, it appears as if they are going to fly right into you but as soon as they see you they stop, and as soon as you are by their bumper they start again but they do stop.  it took a few days to get used to just stepping off the curb but if you just stand there they tend not to stop, you have to move into it. Needless to say I have Ciera's wrist in my grasp and we move across it pretty quickly, but as we cross several times a day we are both getting used to it.
We are tending to have dinner late, 7:30/8:00, then some schoolwork for Ciera, then bed for her, and I stay up for a bit.  So far I've read 2 books (I NEVER get to do that at home!) and tonight I am going to try and get through a movie.
Irina, the woman who prepares our meals, had asked when we moved in if there was anything we didn't eat...I told her fish.  So day 2 we come home at lunch to mushroom soup....ohh yeah...NOT!!  To those who know me I detest mushrooms as does Ciera, so sadly that soup went out.  The nest morning I said "Irina, we also don't like mushrooms, nyet mushrooms", she seemed to know what I was saying and was very apologetic.  Tonight for dinner it was a kind of bread dough outside that had been pan fried and inside was some tasty ground meat, and as I cut it up for Ciera I saw...yup mushrooms.  Fortunately they were big and I could pick them out, but I need to find the Russian word for mushrooms and let Irina know...NYET!!!
The weather here has been fantastic, we were out in just short sleeves and no jackets again today, but by Tuesday it's supposed to be considerably colder.  I'm guessing once that happens they will no longer let Mr Baby go outside.  That'll be hard for several reasons, first off I think we all need some fresh air throughout the day, and it helps to break up the monotony of the day by heading outside and most of all it allows Ciera to burn off some energy while she runs around on the grounds and plays on the playground equipment.   Irina, our translator, has been a great sport and a great help......from being ordered around as to what to play on the playground to today sitting and drawing superheroes with Ciera.   Ciera enjoys her time with us and always wants to know why she has to go.  I need to talk to her on Monday about the indoor aqua land as Ciera really wants to go swimming and I have an issue with paying $50US to go swimming at the Cosmonaut for an hour or so, when aqualand is around $2 a person, plus I presume a cab ride, but it's not going to add up to $50 for sure!!!  Has anyone been to the indoor aqualand, is it any good?
As I looked at pictures last night, I was struck by how already Mr Baby's cheeks have pinkened (is that a word?) up, she looks less pale now, and she's definitely smiling and babbling more and more.  Again today with the wrenching cries when she went down for her nap, more so the 4:00 one than the noon one.  And once again Ciera did not want to leave her, she was just standing at her crib rubbing her arm.   They learn so fast.  Even the other little ones in the room, they know if they roll over to us in the walkers that we will tickle them and talk to them.  There is one beautiful little girl, Kazak features but blond/reddish hair and big blue eyes, the first few days we were there she was so serious but after "talking with her", tickling her and smiling at her she now smiles when she sees us.  I hope they all find their forever homes soon, it's so heartbreaking to think otherwise.   The nannies take great care of them and they all get some individual attention throughout the day but it's just not the same.


Yannik Au Kazakhstan said...

Hi, Diane.

Sheila forwarded your blog address and I am happily following along ;0)) I'm happy to say that my very close friends will be joining you in a week's time.... hopefully one of those beautiful children you mention will find a home with them. Sounds like you are doing really well.... even despite the bugs! When we went to Petro, it was much too cold for any bugs - minus 40C most of the time.. so enjoy the 20C while it lasts!!
Warm Regards, Jocelyne, Sven, Yannik and Annabelle

Julian and Sara said...

Well kefir would taste a little different to regular milk. :)

Perhaps you should also try the camel's milk or mare's milk. Both are fermented and taste like a mixture of regular milk and beer.

Speaking of which, our post-bonding purchases usually consisted of exotically flavoured chips (caviar, horseradish or - yes - mushroom) combined with one of the Kazakh or Russian beers (which you might not want Ciera to sample). But if you have not already done so, do try the Kazakh cognac or brandy - both are surprisingly fantastic.

sue and craig said...

Hi Diane,

Glad your allergic reaction has gone! Hopefully Ciera will feel better soon too.
The baby sounds great! It is good that her colour is getting even better!

Take care!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Diane. So great to hear that you're recovering from your reaction. Sorry to hear about Ciera's encounter with the mosquitos. My daughter had the same problem during the summer. It's so cool to hear you describe Karaganda. I read on someone's blog that once you're home you end up missing the place and while I was there I thought, no way, I won't miss this place. But now that I read your description of the little grocery store and the park and hear how much fun Ciera is having with Irina the translator, I must confess, it does make me miss my time there. I told Irina she must come to visit Toronto someday because there are many families here that enjoyed working with her. (She and I had many lattes together at City Mall!) Great to hear that "Mr. Baby" is looking pinkier! It must be all the mother's/big sister love! Can't wait to see the little cherub!
Best wishes,

Michele said...

Owww, so sorry to hear about the bites and the swelling. Not a great start to your day yesterday. Glad to hear that things are going better today.
Mr. Baby sounds like a very busy little girl. And Ciera is such a good big sister!
I do hope you'll take photos of the milk you purchase so I'll know what to buy when I'm there.
The bi-weekly update says 2 families are leaving on Wednesday for Karaganda, so you and Ciera should have some company to help enjoy your non-baby house hours.
Got to tell you I'm so jealous of the idea of having a cook! Can you bring one home with you?
Still waiting to hear when I leave. Just driving my boss crazy reminding her I 'might' not be here for things :-).

Lou Ann said...


I'm glad you are feeling better and Ciera is hopefully sleeping on the safe side of the bed so she won't have any more bites - ha! And Mr Baby sounds wonderful. I just love hearing how you are all doing and how well cared for you are. I can't remember but what agency are you with? I can't beleive you have a cook and housekeeper. NICE!!I look forward to the day when we can really see Mr Baby in all her glory.

Take care of yourselves,
Lou Ann & Lexie too