Monday, October 25, 2010

Neither love nor play need language

Today was our last official day of bonding!!!!  I can honestly say without a shadow of doubt that I love Mr. Baby, as does Ciera and Mr. Baby loves us too.  As our lives move forward together that love will grow and strengthen with time, but there is much love there now already.    It already feels like she has always been a part of my life, she is turning into such a little character and is 1000% more active than she was the first day I met her.   She has gone from not being able to staying sitting up on her own to crawling (almost on her hand and knees now), she smiles pretty much all the time and sways back and forth when she hears music, today she was doing some kind of funny bop with her head to the music.  She already fits in so very well in our little family.   The longest part of the journey to my second daughter is done, and we now start the shorter journey for the wait until court.    She does not understand much, if any, English yet, but she knows that I love her and I know she loves me.  I can see it in her eyes as I'm sure she can see it in mine.


After we left the babyhouse tonight we went back to Babylon to play for a bit, I loaded up the card and Ciera played a few games and got some tickets.  One game she played, when it ended she did not get her "reward" tickets so I said to one of the attendants "tickets?", she went and brought back a young man who cleared the jam and out came at least 50 tickets (Ciera was due 3), he pulled them off and handed them all to us, what a nice guy!   Ciera and I also played air hockey on a really cool air hockey table, it was made of some sort of aluminum or something and when the puck hit the sides it made musical sounds.  We also played, I can't think of what to call it but we all played it as kids, the hockey game with the little men on rods and you pull them back and forth and turn them to hit the puck.   Anyway, we started to play it and it was playing music like you were at a Leafs game and then my eyes unexpectedly filled with tears when I heard of all things the Canadian national anthem!   We also drove the bumper cars and had lots of laughs there, then Ciera headed into the play centre.  There was one other little boy in it and before long the 2 of them were playing quite well together.  I thought it quite amazing that neither had a clue what the other was saying but somehow they made it work and had lots of fun together.


Two families at the babyhouse went to court today and had their adoptions successfully granted, it was such great news.   Both families head back home on Wednesday to wait out the 15 day waiting period and the issuance of paperwork.  One of these families is M, the single mom , who was in our room, I am going to miss her presence in a big way.  Again, although we don't speak the same language we manage to communicate quite well and we have had a lot of fun together.   It's going to be lonely there the next while, we'll have to make sure we head downstairs more often to hang out with the other families in the big central room.  We had a gorgeous day today, blue blue clear skies and it was not cold at all.  We took the babies outside this afternoon and Ciera got to run around outside too, which is always a good thing.  I think the fresh air helps us all.  I am hoping this weather continues for the next little while…until we are home at least!

It is still quite nice out now (at 10:30PM), so nice in fact that there is a rousing game of soccer (football!) being played on the fenced in soccer pitch in the central courtyard of our block of apartment buildings.


Pictures today:

-Ciera working on her headstands, with some help from Irina

- Ciera on a ride at Babylon with baby fish (aka Mama Fish)

- Ciera talking to me on "her" phone, while she was giving Mama Fish a "shower" (and no I don't do that to Ciera)


Thanks Sherry for the great idea, I have emailed the organizer and asked if this would be possible to do, hoping to hear back a "yes"


1 comment:

Lisette said...

Hi Diane,
I've been following your blog, enjoying reading about your second adoption. I too am single and just completed the adoption of my first (and probably "only")child from Petropavlovsk. We've been home 2 months. I also met a very nice couple from Spain during my trip. We stayed in the same hotel and were adopting our sons from the same babyhouse - there's only one in Petro. We didn't spend much time together since their son was in a different room. Still it was wonderful knowing they were nearby since I traveled alone and there were not many other families there(American or otherwise)during my trip. So I have a good understanding of how you feel about M leaving soon. I do speak Spanish fluently so if you want to write her a note please let me know and I'll be happy to translate. My email is I look forward to continuing to follow your story.