Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Freezing fog?!

I check the forecast on The Weather Network every morning as just like home the weather forecast changes on a whim and I want to have a general idea of what to expect for the day!  Anyway, this morning for "current conditions" it said "Freezing fog", now granted it was very foggy this morning, but I had no idea fog could be freezing.  Oddly when we stepped outside it felt warmer than it did yesterday….go figure.  On the positive side the snow forecast for Thursday is now gone…wahoo!!  Ciera this morning cracked me up when she said "I want to wear my new boots", I agreed immediately.  She fought me for days about buying new boots but she could not wait to wear them and showed them to everyone she saw today, funny stuff.


Today was a good day at the BH, for some reason everyone and everything felt was so relaxed today, Mr. Baby was in fine form, laughing, smiling and babbling away.  She was sitting on my lap coughing when Dr. D came in and she remarked "she just really needs to go home", I smiled and said "I agree!".  We had a good morning, lots of laughs and Ciera played with her for quite awhile and was enjoying making her laugh, there is a real bond forming between them, I am very glad for this.  Mr. Baby watches EVERYTHING that her sister does and will strain and twist her neck to see her (good and bad behavior I might add).  This afternoon Ciera insisted on feeding her sister her lunch and she did much better at it today, she even wiped her mouth when she was done.  Today instead of the apple/pear juice I mixed 2oz of apple juice (it's very sweet and tasty here) and 2oz of water, I gave it to her just before we left at noon and she guzzled the whole 4 oz down, so I did the same this afternoon, I am hoping that being more hydrated will help her cough, but she sure liked it, tomorrow I will add less juice, I'm so sneaky that way!   We had a little baby fest this afternoon, the caregivers put  little A (a beautiful girl) on the floor with us and with 4 others around us in the walkers, plus our own 2, Ciera, M and I, it was quite the little party!  At one point I was totally surrounded with babies.  It was a lot of fun!!    Ciera had a pink headband on today and had taken it off and placed it on the floor this afternoon, I picked it up and put it on Mr. Baby just for fun and oh my gosh did it ever look cute and she looked so very pretty (I know I am biased)!  She didn't mind it at all either.  Dr. L walked in and saw her, she made a face that like was "awwww so cute" and she had a great smile on her face.


I printed off the picture I had of Ciera with Dr. L when she was a baby (again, I don't know where the first one disappeared to) so this morning when Dr. L came in I took it out and gave it to her.  Amazingly she looked at the picture and she said Ciera's full baby (birth) name and remembered where she had been born!!  She said she remembered her well but did not recognize her with the long hair! 


This evening we were supposed to meet up with another family (another single mom and her sister) for the evening, but I was unable to get hold of them until about 8:00 (you'd think by now I've have the phone system figured out…..let's see land to cell is dial an 8 first..no a 7 oh forget it I'll just dial it cell to cell) and by then it was too late. Ciera was a big bagged anyway, she lay down on the bed about 5:00 to watch TV and didn't get up until 8:00, I was sure she was asleep but she wasn't.  I had been sitting on the couch reading and I did fall asleep for a bit, so just as well we stayed home.  We are hoping to meet up tomorrow evening which will be fun, we'll likely meet for dinner and then  I can get their opinions on coats…I have fired Ciera as my fashion critic!!!  I also asked out translator today if she could come and stay with Ciera some evening so I can go souvenir shopping, I know what I want and where to get it all and it will be much faster if I go alone. Every time I go with Ciera I hear "can I have one of those too?" so it will also be less expensive to go by myself.    I think it will also be good for Ciera and I to have a break for a few hours…perhaps more so me than her!!!


Pictures today:

-       Ciera holding pics of herself as a baby, these were taken the first day Ciera and I met

-       Ciera wiping her sisters face off after lunch

1 comment:

MaryLisa Dincel, RHN said...

Oh I hope Mr. Baby gets well soon! You're right -she will be so much healthier when you take her home. That's a very good idea -taking her slowly off the juice...as the sugar creates more mucus... When we took Darya back to the apartment we started her straight on plain water and she still loves to drink only water. We also found that she spit up a lot less with no juice (and especially if we waited until 20 minutes or so after she ate)
Keep the photos and posts coming! Love reading them.... I go back to work on Monday but I'm going to try to keep up with them... Are you finished your bonding period yet? Hope you and the girls have a great week !
